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OCTA 在原发性开角型青光眼眼底微循环改变中的应用现状①

【来源:《华夏医学》编辑部 | 作者:华夏医学编辑部 | 编辑:李佳睿 | 发布日期:2022-10-11】


刘晓辉 秦程




Application status of OCTA in the ocular fundus microcirculation changes in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma

LIU Xiaohui,Qin Cheng.(Dept. of Ophthalmology,the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University,Guilin 541199,China)

Abstract Primary open-angle glaucoma(POAG)is a common type of glaucoma, whose onset is insidious and the early symptoms are not obvious. By the time the patient sees a doctor, it has generally progressed to the advanced stage, causing great visual impairment. Vision loss, visual field change, and changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and the like are the main diagnostic criteria for POAG. However, there is a lack of effective monitoring tools for POAG patients in the early stage. The optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA) technology, which has developed rapidly in recent years, is safe, non-invasive, with no side-effects, and it is fast and clear, and real-time imaging. It is widely used in ophthalmology clinics and has become a new method to monitor ocular fundus damage in the early stage for POAG patients. Authors in this article briefly review the clinical application of OCTA to the changes of fundus microcirculation in patients with POAG.

Keywords: primary open angle glaucoma(POAG); optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA);microcirculation


版权所有:华夏医学(Acta Medicinae Sinica)  联系电话:0773-2805467  电子邮箱:huaxia@glmc.edu.cn  地址:广西桂林市临桂区致远路1号桂林医学院明德楼316  (541199)