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Research status of diffuse low-grade glioma-related epilepsy in adults

【来源:《华夏医学》编辑部 | 作者:LIA0 Hongzhan,etc. | 编辑:李佳睿 | 发布日期:2024-09-17】

LIA0 Hongzhan, LIU Mengjie, DUAN Haiyang, XlA Xuewei(Affliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541001. China)

AbstractEpilepsy is a common symptom of diffuse low-grade gliomas. If not controlled, it cansignilficantly reduce the patient's quality of life and result in a high disability and mortality rate. The onsetof tumor-associated epilepsy is multifactorial, and seizures also promote the growth of glioma. Compared tohigh-grade gliomas , low-grade gliomas have a higher incidence of seizures. Therefore , controlling seizuresis extremely important for the treatment of low-grade gliomas, and the treatment of epilepsy currentlymainly revolves around antiepileptie drugs, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgical treatment. Thisarticle summarizes the pathogenesis and main treatment methods of diffuse low-grade glioma-relatedepilepsy, and provides research ideas for personalized treatment of epilepsy in the future.Keywords : diffuse low-grade gliomas ; epilepsy ; peritumoral microenvironment; glutamate; y-aminobutyricacid


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