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Research status of minimally invasive treatment for hepatolithiasis

【来源:《华夏医学》编辑部 | 作者:XU Nengwu,etc. | 编辑:李佳睿 | 发布日期:2024-09-20】

XU Nengwu,YAO Hongbing

( The Second Afliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541199, China)

AbstractHepatolithiasis is a common benign clinical disease , but it is oiten accompanied by recurrent episodes ocholangitis, which can lead to liver abscess, liver atrophy, and liver fibrosis. The treatment methods forhepatolithiasis are becoming more and more diverse, but the treatment principle still follows the 20-word poliey ofremoving the lesion,removing all the stones.unobstructed drainage,and preventingcorrecting stenosls.recurrence". Minimally invasive surgery is a major trend in the current development of surgery, especially in thetreatment of hepatolithiasis, which has made significant progress. Minimally invasive treatment not only reduces thetrauma of traditional open surgery to the body, provides patients with better quality treatment, but also reduceshospital stay and costs. Based on existing literature, this article reviews the curent status of minimally invasivesurgical treatment for hepatolithiasis in recent years from three aspects : interventional therapy, laparoscopic surgery,and endoscopic treatment. 'The aim is to find the optimal solution and provide patients with better treatment services.Keywords:hepatolithiasis:stone extraction rate : research status


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