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Exploration and practice of "Five education" simultaneously improvingthe quality of education of basic medical graduate students

【来源:《华夏医学》编辑部 | 作者:XUE Yongzhi,etc. | 编辑:李佳睿 | 发布日期:2024-09-20】

XUE Yongzhi,WANG Xinxin,ZHANG Xueming

(College of Basic Medicine and Forensic Medicine , Baotou Medical CollegeInner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014040, China)

AbstractIn order to train a large number of high-level basic medical talents with all-round development ol"morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor", the systematic, scientifie. subiective and effectiveeducation is highlighted, aiming at the high-quality development requirements of the new era, specific and feasibleimplementation programme is formulated to comprehensively improve the quality of graduate education. We shouldguide our ideological sail with moral education to lead the sail of thought, through the course of thinking and polities.the whole process of thinking and polities and other measures, reform the way of thinking and politics , flexible use oltypical case teaching, discussion teaching, role playing and so on enlightening the heart, inspiring morale, and trulyrealize the fundamental purpose of moral education.We need to lay a scientific foundation with intellectual education, emphasize innovative thinking and consciousness, cooperate with innovation and entrepreneurshigeducation, reform training mode , break the five only , break the diseipline boundary between basie and clinical, findtopies from clinical practice, and set up interdisciplinary scientifie research and innovation teams. We must sharpenour determination to strive through sports, with aesthetie education embellished the pearls of quality, with laboleducation formed the fruit of struggle, In a word, we should promote " moral education, intellectual education,physical education, aesthetic education, and labor education" at the same time, to cultivate the basic medicine olthe " rejuvenation of the pillars , the pioneer of power"

Keywords: " Five education" simultaneously improving; graduate education; innovative education; all-rounddevelopment; strengthen moral education and cultivate people


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