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Research progress of hair follicle morphogenesisperiodic development and molecular regulation mechanism

【来源:《华夏医学》编辑部 | 作者:CHEN Bo,etc. | 编辑:李佳睿 | 发布日期:2024-09-19】

CHEN Bo,YA0 Xunwen,ZHANG Hua,SU Xinxin,GONG Zhenyu

(Department of Bumn Wound Repair and Plastic Surgery, Affliated Hospital of GuilinMedical University, Cuilin 541001 .China)

Abstract Hair follicles are miniature, which undergo continuous repetitive growth and cycle regression, and playan important role in the process of skin regeneration. Hair follicles are involved in immune response to pathogens,thermoregulation, sebum production, angiogenesis, neurogenesis, and wound healing. There are roughly three stagesin the growth cycle of hair follicles : anagen, catagen and telogen. In each cycle, hair follicles form new hair shaftswhile old hair eventually falls out. Hair shafts are composed of terminally differentiated keratinocytes produced byhair follicles. The morphogenesis and morphological cycle of hair follicles are regulated by the interaction of Wnt,Shh, Notch, BMP and other signaling pathways between epithelial cells and mesenchymal cells. When thesesignaling molecules are abnormally expressed, the development and cycle of hair follicles will be changed, and result in the occurrence of diseases such as hair loss. Therefore, this article reviews the morphogenesis, periodicdevelopment, and molecular regulation mechanism of hair follicles, and provides new ideas for the future study ofhair loss diseases and the formation of functional hair follicles.

Keywords :hair follicle ; morphogenesis; periodic development ; regulation mechanism


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